Thursday, June 17, 2010

Dobler Out: Holst In

According the Sitka Daily Sentinel, June 17,2010 - Dr. Dobler is no longer SJ(C?) President, and is being replaced in the interim by John Holst, a former school superintendent and assembly member. Once I digest the article, I'll report on details.


Anonymous said...

The bad news is that the board wized up about 5 years too late!

Marcel L said...

I have been hearing rumors of this for sometime. If this was a true and just world the board would have given Dobler the same warning that he was going to loose his job that the rest of us were given.

Of course my hope is that something good will come out of this move. To me it is exciting that the Arts Community is looking into using the campus. I just hope there is someway that the money can be raised to save the historic buildings and that they can once again be put to use. I know, I’d sure like to see the plywood come off the windows.

Anonymous said...


Gwyn said...

Amidst all the heartache of SJ’s closure, it may seem like a soap opera, but it’s not it’s our lives. This historic campus has touched my life in a special way as well as many others. I am so proud to say I am a SJC alumna. We weren’t just another campus, we were a family and like all families there is dysfunction. If you think your family isn’t dysfunctional then you’re in denial. Families have their ups and downs, but with faith, hope, and love they manage to get through those rough times.

As for the board’s most recent decision of making John Holst the interim president, I know we won’t be disappointed. I’ve known John for almost thirty years, beginning when he was a principal at Valley Park Elementary School in Ketchikan, Alaska. He’s been my principal, mentor, boss, friend, encourager, and a positive role model to me over the years. He’s a man of humility, who’s self motivated and driven to do his best. He knows how to build his team up to bring out their potential. He’s definitely not one to quit and walk away from a job until he knows he’s done his absolute best to make it better. With the list of leadership positions John Holst has held and the positive impact he’s had on those institutions, I know Sheldon Jackson College will shine again some day, perhaps in a different way, but it will shine never the less, so don’t loose hope family.