Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Employees Unite!

Employees of SJ are still reeling from the news of the school's closure. While the Board of Trustees would characterize it differently, we're all out of work, and students will not be enrolled come fall, so whatever.

We've been attending meeting sessions held by the Department of Labor and Sitka's Job Center to figure out our next steps. It's a terribly confusing process, and frustrating.

One thing strikes me though - we must stand together during this time. We've yet to receive official notice of termination, information about severance (if any), vacation pay, etc. We are entitled to such things, and together, should advocate for what is owed. Many of us still have outstanding reimbursements as well. For years we paid our own way to meetings, conferences, trainings, etc. and risk not being repaid.

A line is going to form once assets are liquidated. Where will we stand in line, if we don't stand together? I feel very strongly, that we should be compensated first. Who's with me?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Count me in with you. I fou need anything from me just let me know. Marcel