Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Board of Trustees denies housing relief for staff and faculty

Word has it, and the meeting minutes should confirm it, that the Board of Trustees voted down a motion by Board member Monte Wilson to delay raising rents for on campus staff and faculty. Monte has since resigned from the Board.

By my best estimate, the College receives approximately 12 to 15k per month in rent. An increase of even 25% (which would be extreme) would only yield an additional 3 to 4k per month, or 36 to 40k per year. And of course, many folks will be moving off campus, thus lowering the monthly revenue now being collected.

So for perhaps as little as 30k annually, the Board chose to continue with its plan to raise the rents of the same folks who they also laid off with no notice and no health benefits. But hey, in just 200 short years, that 30k would pay off the 6 million dollar debt SJ owes. So it was the only logical thing to do, after all.


Unknown said...

You know. This just makes me sick. We were a family, and not only did they tear that family apart, they are abusing it for financial gain. They know, for a fact, that they have the upper hand with some of these former employees. It is not as if they did not drastically lower expenses by no longer paying wages or health care, no! Now they have to gouge these amazing, talented, and caring people too. It just goes to show some people will do anything for money. Why don't they start selling some land off if they need it that bad?

If I could only speak to them, I would tell them exactly how I feel about this. I am sure we all would.

Rebecca said...

I always did like Monte.

Anonymous said...

the saddest part is that without someone like Monte on the board who'll advocate for the needs of former students, staff, and faculty? hmmmm....

of the below list of those still left on the board (at the moment), who's your guess?

- Dr. Shirley J. Holloway, Board Chair
- Heather D. McCarty, Vice Chair
- James Powell, Secretary
- Dr. John Tichotsky, Treasurer
- Rob Allen, Trustee
- Beneva C. Bibbs, Ex-Officio Trustee
- Rev. Dr. Henry E. Fawcett, Trustee
- Dr. Lloyd F. Hames, Chair Emeritus
- Senator Albert Kookesh, Trustee
- Gary Paxton, Trustee
- Richard Scheumann, Trustee
- Rev. Dr. Walter A. Soboleff, Sr., Trustee
- Ethel Staton, Trustee
- Dr. Arliss Sturgulewski, Trustee
- Rev. Jerry L. Van Marter, Trustee

Anonymous said...

What is this I hear about faculty being told to be out of their offices by August 15 or their stuff will go to the White Elephant Shop? Isn't this the opposite of what they were told at the termination meeting?

Anonymous said...

Out of sight - out of mind, I guess. The man in charge doesn't like to see those he has treated like crap.

SJC-Proff said...

I find this despicable. All of the talk at the meeting on June 29 was just that, talk. I applaud Monty's work on this. But several other board members and a certain president I won't name should be ashamed of themselves. I am sure they will not.

Anonymous said...

The board is manned by gutless cowards, who chose to meet long after they emptied the campus of its true assets, it's staff and students. THE DOBE has lied repeatedly and if his lips are moving he continues to lie. his lies are supported by the board which hides its every action behind a closed door. I am seeking an attorney to begin legal action to pursue their personal assets. I would appreciate any suggestions. We deserve an accounting and they deserve a reckoning.. Help me make it happen. don't get mad get property. doesn't THE DOBE have a house up north..hmmmm.
litigious in sitka