Thursday, December 6, 2007

Next Steps: Severance & Annual Leave

It appears that little has happened in the month following former employees' formal request to the Department of Labor. It may be necessary to develop a different strategy, as several folks have suggested. To that end, we should meet.

I'd like to propose two things: First, that we meet at least once prior to the holidays, say the week of December 18-22. Second, that we make it possible for folks out of town to call in via teleconference.

Use the comment section or email me at


Anonymous said...

Lori says "after 6 during the week or anytime on the week end. Lets get this crap done so we can get on with our lives!

Marcel said...

Great Idea Chris,

We could hold the meeting at my home in the evening of one of those dates if that works with others. We can setup a phone for out of town people to call into too.

Please X employees let Chris and I know ASAP what date is best for you. It looks like we can also ask the attorney to attend as we do have one who is interested in representing us.

You can also e-mail me at

Marcel said...

On another note I received two phone calls and an e-mail this afternoon indicating that there was frozen pipes with water damage in DSH. One person indicated that I was being blamed for the damage. Well I have big shoulders and if people want to blame me that is fine. However, I will cut and past a paragraph out of an O&M document that I gave to Dr. Dobler and Jim Sharpe warning them about this very thing. I told both of them that this had to be passed onto whoever took my place.

Here is the paragraph

1. The HVAC system in DSH is in poor shape. It is broken into 3 main areas and each area requires attention. The ventilation for the cafeteria is located in the attic over the kitchen. The heat for the cafeteria is controlled by manually throttling the ball valves that are located on the unit that feeds fresh air to the cafeteria. The HVAC system for the West and North wing is located in the attic that is accessed via the storage area in the West 200 Hall. The water for the heating coils is controlled by to ball valves that are located on the inlet and outlet for the heating coils. These valves will need to be partial open when it gets cold or the coils and associated piping will freeze. There is an identical heat exchanger and ventilation system in the South 200 attic and it is controlled just like the one mentioned above. Both of these units will need to have the air bleed out of them when they are turned back on. Both of these units have been known to air lock so periodic inspections to make sure this has not happened will be necessary. There are also filters in all of the above mentioned HVAC units that should be checked from time to time.

Anonymous said...

I will be flexible and available if I am not traveling to coach. they, Chilkat, bought an 8k dollar 4 wheeler. New office machines and other toys on the SJ dime. They plan to recoup this upon property sales. given the other creditors and the spending of the caretakers I suggest we get something done soon.
Chilkat has its own attorneys and sees the College as a major cash opportunity for Klukwan Inc shareholders. We need to be organized and aggressive in our efforts.

Anonymous said...

I found something similar going on over at the Hames "wellness" center. On Monday, I took my children over with the intention of renewing our monthly membership. Community schools was having new carpet laid in the offices (which resulted in our not being able to use some of the facilities were normally used) as their first act of improvement. OK, in the larger scheme of things, maybe it's not a big deal, but it said to me, their first concern is not about their patrons, but their personal comfort. It would have been so nice to see their first effort be something to directly benefit the patrons, like maybe just fixing one of the broken-down machines in the fitness center.

Marcel said...

What a lot of people don’t realize is Klukwan can’t loose. Even if they spend every dime they bring in and go into the hole. As a native corporation they can sell their losses and still win. In a funny way it’s to their benefit to spend, spend and spend some more, even if it is at the expense of the past SJ employees.

Andy is right let’s set this meeting up very soon. I suggest Wednesday the 19th of December, 7:00 pm at my home. Please pass the word and let me know if this works for everyone. As soon as I know I’ll post it on the blog and get out some PSA’s so that everyone knows.

Anonymous said...

Don't you love the new trim? You have to love the early plywood look.

Anonymous said...

As an outsider [an X VIM] I've kept up regularly with your blog Chris and I thank you for the great job of keeping people informed ... kudos to you. My heart continues to go out to all affected by this terrible blunder of SJ leadership and for whatever it's worth .. you all have been more than kind enough, more than patient enough and more than willing enough to resolve the issues; however, you all seriously DO NEED TO ACT NOW - without hesitation !!!
My best to everyone - you're in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

I will be there.


"We shall all hang together or most assuredly we shall all hang seperately." Payne?

thanks for "hanging" together.
a. lee

Anonymous said...

Its a sad day when I find myself taking satisfaction at the thought of the flood in SWEETLAND.

Unknown said...

I would be interested in putting my name in this pot, though living and working remote from Kodiak will make it hard for me to have a physical presence. Once yall get some details nailed down on paper, then drop me a line!