Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Sitka Retreat Center

At tonight’s Sheldon Jackson’s Facilities Big Picture Meeting, I announced that there is interest in starting a Sitka Retreat Center. I said I would post an e-mail address on how to contact me if you want more information or you want to be involved. Here it is: sjcwatch@gmail.com

In the near future I will start putting together a web site totally dedicated to the Sitka Retreat Center. For now this blog will have to function as the area to gather ideas and to share thoughts. I would encourage anyone who wants to post whatever they want to on the idea of a Retreat Center. However, I will delete any anonymous post. Sorry, I feel if you won’t post your name then your opinion should not count.

Please also watch for future post on this subject.

One more note; Chris will post an update on what happened at tonight’s meeting. I will just say that there was a lot of positive things said and it looks like there could be some positive things come from a lot of dedicated folks who are working hard to preserve parts of SJ. I assume there will also be a radio piece on Raven Radio so I’d assume that will be posted too. Meanwhile don’t forget you can go on Raven Radio’s web site for news on SJ and other Sitka news at this address: http://www.ravenradio.org/.


Anonymous said...

Now you are suppressing freedom of speech? I have seen many wonderful ideas come out of anonymous posters, even the posters that are negative play the devils advocate? Your first step may be your worst.
I guess from here on out I can be Ted, Dan maybe Dobbler? I'm in.

Jonathan said...

Free speech? Are you joking? Marcel is creating boundaries. If you want to contribute, please be public about it. SJ has lived in the shadows too long--walk in the light:)
Jon Corcoran

Anonymous said...

I guess as Dr Wright can contest to, its still suppression at it's best at SJC. It's ironic you talk about a new day and new era, seems the same as it was the last 200 years. Your party.

Marcel said...

Thanks Jon,

You hit the nail on the head. I agree with what Aristotle said, yes good ideas come from anonymous comments. However, I have always felt if you can’t say it to someone’s face then you shouldn’t say it at all. Stand up for what you think and believe and don’t be afraid to put you’re named to it. Even before I set up a Google account each and every time I posted using the anonymous posting option I signed my name. I did this because I don’t like talking behind people’s backs. Anonymous postings without a signature; especially when critical of ideas and or people is the high tec way of speaking behind peoples backs.

With that said that is why I decided that I would delete post about the Sitka Retreat Center that didn’t have a name associated with it. The idea of building a Sitka Retreat Center is too good and too important to let some folks who might have something to gain by spreading rumors or doing what they can to undermine this idea by not being upfront.

I also find that I agree with you whole heartedly Jon. If the board and management of SJ would have been open to students, past employees, volunteers, etc, there is no doubt in my mind that the institution would not only still be in operation, but they would be thriving. By doing business behind closed doors, or only saying what you think anonymously is akin to doing business in the same fashion that killed SJ. My self and too many other people want to see this Retreat Center built to jeopardize the dream by working in the shadows. The number one goal to solicit funds to make the Retreat Center come to life will be transparency and there is no transparency in anonymous posting on this blog.

peoplecallmebryner said...

This site won't censor except in the most extreme cases. Defamation, more f-words than words, etc. The Sitka Retreat site can censor if it wants, and it is no limit of free speech if it does. Blogs are not solely forums for free speech. They are proprietary, and the choice is left to their creator.

Anonymous said...

Chris, were you going to post an update on tonight's meeting? I can't help but think lots of folks are wanting to know how it went. I was glad to be there!!

Dan Goodness

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