Friday, May 29, 2009

SJ(C?) loses Christmas Joy Offering

Missed this press release from PC(USA) about SJ. Last funding from the offering of $38k was given in May.

There's a few gems from Dobler as well. Ranging from the obvious: “Administratively, the place is in really a rough spot,” to the incredible, blaming the former college's demise on previous administrations, SJ(C?) “has been run by some people who worked beyond their competence.”

My favorite is his assessment of student culture on campus, which apparently he viewed as a clash between the "whale huggers and the whale eaters."

It's been nearly two years since academic operations were suspended for one year, and in that time, I think an argument can be made based on the above comments that someone still doesn't get it.


Jonathan said...

did dobler say, "whale huggers and whale eaters?"

peoplecallmebryner said...


Mountaineer said...

I believe that Dr. Dobler is the one who "doesn't get it".

The problems at SJC have long been evident to any one who served as a VIM from outside the existing staff at the time.

Nicole P said...

As a former student I can assure him that it wasn't a student culture clash that caused the problems.

People who hated nature didn't go to SJ.

I think it must have been a self reference when he referred to people working "beyond their competence."

Mountaineer said...

Lion, People don't work beyond their competence. The wallow with incompetence.