Friday, October 5, 2007

Assembly Meeting Outcomes

The city assembly met last night to address several issues related to SJ: Hames PE Center, Stratton Library, Childcare Center, and outstanding utility payments. The house was packed with supporters of a plan to keep open Hames open for a year, while community planners develop a long term solution.

In the end:
Hames received continued support through November 30th. Far from a year of support, the assembly intends to use this time to iron out lease issues to pave the way for a year-long commitment.

The Assembly stayed with the original plan of requiring a promissory note on the $450k SJ owes them for unpaid utilities. SJ had asked for 5%, no payments for a year, one lump sum after one year. The city kept with a ten year, 12% note.

Testimony was given by members of the public regarding Stratton Libray's archives, the Childcare Center's plan to stay open, and support for Hames.

My impression:
The city and Sheldon Jackson will struggle to serve our community well unless they find more productive ways of working together. The assembly uses public meetings to criticize the College, and the College seems to withhold information pertinent to good decision-making. The public looks on and gets the impression that no one has their interests in mind. SJ and the city are on the hook if they fail to deliver.

I hope that Hames, Stratton, and the Childcare Center find new life with - or without - the city's involvement. They are valuable resources to our community.


Anonymous said...

What you have said is true. All you have to do is read the transcripts of the city meetings or listen to it on the radio. The city and SJ need to work together more. Does the city really want the college?

Dolkas said...

The college is Sitka. SJ is about as old a dirt.